Impacts of climatic variability and anthropogenic impacts on riparian hydrology and forest dynamics: Evidence from isotopes and tree rings in the Rhône corridor. Preliminary research on the reach of Pierre Bénite, downstream of Lyon
Début 2012
Fin 2017
Numéro de l'action C26
Thème Flux - Formes - Habitats - Biocénoses (FFHB)
Site OHM Vallée du Rhône
This project spotlights climate change’s hydrological expression within the terrestrial biosphere, especially in Mediterranean climates, where forests are sensitive to water stress. Our proposed investigation will create a world-class dataset with potential to transform research disciplines of ecohydrology and isotope dendrochronology. We will use these to develop new, robust understanding of the dynamics of water partitioning, tree water use, and forest growth and health in response to climatic fluctuations and trends that affect water availability in river floodplains.
Projet de recherche Zabr
Soutien : Labex DRIIHM
Coordination : Michael Singer
Équipe pilote : University of St Andrews