Rhone Basin Long Term Environmental Research Observatory (RBLTER)

An observatory on hydrosystems & social dynamics linked to water

The Rhone Basin Long Term Environment Research comprises Observatory and / or Experimental Sites. It is the support of research programmes that provide elements of knowledge to stakeholders and to public decision-makers, in the field of sustainable management of rivers and watersheds.

A researchers and partners network

  • a scientific label of the CNRS
  • 23 universities, schools or research organisations
  • 345 researchers


It aims to provide to decision-makers with a methodology to evaluate the effects of watersheds rehabilitation or restoration on river hydrosystems, in terms of biodiversity, sustainability (lasting effects), ecological services and potential uses

4 research themes crossed on experimental sites …

  • Climatic change and resources
  • Flows, forms, habitats, biocoenocis
  • Pollution flows, ecotoxicology and ecosystem
  • Social observation of the river governorship

A forum of exchange

  • Co-ordination of scientifc and
     technical workshops
  • To look for a correct adequacy  between developed research programmes and social concerns expressed by professionnals
© Gilles Poussard

Themes and sites interconnection

Ardiere watershedArc Isere watershedDrome braided riverSipibelCevenol riversOHM VROTHUAlpine Lakes ObservatoryAin watershed
Climatic change and resourcesxxxxx
Flows, forms, habitats, biocoenocisxxxxxxxx
Pollution flows, ecotoxicology and ecosystemxxxxxx
Social observation of the river governorshipxxxxxxx

OTHU = Field Observatory for Urban Water management
OHM VR = Human and natural systems Observatory
SIPIBEL = Bellecombe’s pilot site on hospital effluents and sewage treatment plants in Haute-Savoie

Our organization


  • is labelled « Zone Atelier » by the CNRS since October, 2001
  • has a Managing Board (executive committee),
  • its Partners Board includes all the representatives of the Research Organisms and the Partners of the project,
  • its scientific co-ordinating committee comprises the representatives of the different sites and themes,
  • its scientific Board includes international well-known experts

Our scientific partners

The coordinator structure :

Our institutional partners

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